The new administrative district – Hamadiyah Road – Tissemsilt

Our Wilaya


The province of Tissemsilt is situated on the steppes of the high plateaux … is an impressive magical quiet and stable city…
Simply it gathers all contradictions … more than 15% of its total area lies at high altitudes and mountains. In winter it’s oak fresh leaves wear a while snow uniform that vanishes with the coming of spring time … it is nicknamed the capital of the wancharis … means sun’s inspiration chair … soft sun shines are captured gently from fig and pine trees, caverns, tours, and citadels … Tissemsit has a splendid nature … its historical monuments tell us the story of the consecutive civilizations and peoples in that region for a long time ago; however, what is left is a rich and successful historical heritage.

Tissemsit is an open city on the outside …We can go into from everywhere. Tiaret and Djelfa from the south, Chlef and Ain Dafla from the north or Medea from the west …As a result, its geographical area is very strategic. In the past its people gave a big importance to trade and invasions confrontation … If you dream of all these natural beauties and historical secrets and attractiveness, at sunset a superb trip offers you the opportunity to discover this miraculous fascinating Algerian province. Plenty of exiting adventures and surprises… are waiting for you.


Tissemsilt history belongs to a very ancient time since mankind existence on earth. Consequently, it knows periods of relative peace and successive tribes and civilization. Various finds, including human being skulls and Stone Age tools were found in different places such as the Tissemsilt Wancharis jungles, Serssou plateau, Kebaba, Kafe Elouze in Ain Tekria and Oum Laalou*Elzhayer*… Tissemsilt was given two names in the past. First it was called by the Berbers tissem silt (sun set), second Vialar during the French rule. Many civilizations passed by this region: Roman era, Byzantine Empire, Arabic Islamic civilization starting from Islamic conquest till the Rustomids, Fatimids, Almohads, Almoravids, Zianid dynasties so the Ottman rule and the French colonization when Emir Abdelkader established his war citadel in 1847 at the high peaks of Taza.


Tissemsilt is situated in the middle of the north east of Algeria. Exactly at the heart of the eastern high plateaux. It’s a natural passage between Serssou Plateaux and Chlef river. It is bordered by Wancharis jungles in the north and the Nador from the south.
Tissemsilt extends over an area of 315.137 square kilometres.. It is bordered by Chlef and Ain Dafla in the north, Medea in the west, Tiaret in the south.


Tissemsilt is an agricultural region known by seeds, dry fodder production and cattle breedings. Furthermore, it was characterized by successful trade of seeds, animal and natural products, industrialized raw materials (glass, textile, poetry…) for along time ago. As a result Tissemsilt is classified as one of the most developed cities thanks to its unique natural, geographical, economical features in different fields.


Tissemsilt nature is known by the diversity of its relief:
– 65% of its area is a mountainous region
– 25% of its area is a plateau region
– 10% of its area is a plain region
Tissemsilt highest peak is Boukaid *Sidi Amar* it is about 1983metres in the Wancharis mountains whereas its lowest point is situated in north el Azaharia municipality (Koudiet El Yachine).


Tissemsilt is still faithful to its past and present costumes and traditions such as weddings, circumcision, religious and national festivals, and different kinds of traditional dishes.