The new administrative district – Hamadiyah Road – Tissemsilt

Our Gastronomy

The Tradional Dishes :

Couscous is a regional dish. We find it approximatly in all the religious and familiar occasions in Tissemsilt like: weddings. It is presented with meat and red broth with vegitables, with milk or with juste vegitable in the shape of masfouf.

is a regional dish. It is prepared with red broth, chickens, vegitables or with milk. It has many healthy advantages. It is rich with fiber and starch.

is a regional product. It is famous in Tissemsilt. It is prepared from fermented wheat flour. We put this wheat in matmoura , a place under the ground, then we cover it on all the winter season until it fermentes, dries, and rests in this matmoura. Finally, we prepare this couscous with red broth or leben. It is characterized with its smell and its sour taste.

It is a famous bread in our region. It is tasty and healthy. It is eaten in breakfast with honey or olive oil.

It is a kind of pie. It is prepared with flour, butter or oil. It is cooked in mud tagine or it fries. It is cooked in the shape of a rectangle or square. It is served with coffee or tea.

is a regional product in our region it’s just about wheat then put in the fire then being gold coloured then it crushes. Until we produce flour and the laste ,it is prepared together put water, sugar and dates.

It is a traditional dish, It is prepared with rough semoul. It is served with honey and sugar, in coffee or tea times . In various occasiones.

It is a kind of soup. That you find it among the dishes of the region. You find it in various taste according to the used tchicha or the frick tchicha or barly tchicha usually mermez tchicha is used the most.

It is a Traditional dish. It is presented cold or hot accompaniend with honey or sugar in coffee or tea times.

it is a Traditional dish we prepare it easily. It is considered as crumbled mebasess. We add to it dates and butter. It is prepared occasionally in wedding and feasts. It is served with coffee or tea.

it is considered as a traditional dish. It is a kind of rough couscous. It is served in the thrid day of new born baby. It is often prepared in the cold winter days. It makes the Body warm especially if we add hot pepper or Hrissa.

It is well-known dish in the region. It is made from semolina and flour. It is presented with butter and honey. It is served with coffee or tea.