The new administrative district – Hamadiyah Road – Tissemsilt

Tourist Development Plan

Tourist development plan

Any tourist expansion area must have a tourist development plan
Currently, there are no tourism development plans in the wilaya, pending the declaration by regulatory text of the tourism expansion zone.


the Algerian tourist scene has been marked by a strong political will which relies on the route of a tourism development strategy through which it has displayed its national tourism project: the SDAT 2025 Tourist Development Master Plan, one of the 22 Plans Sector Directors. The SDAT 2025 is an integral part of the architecture of the national land use plan -SNAT 2030 – which shows how Algeria intends to ensure, within a framework of sustainable development, the triple balance of social equity and efficiency. economic and ecological sustainability at the scale of the whole country for the next twenty years. The SDAT 2030 for the territory of the wilaya of Tissemsilt draws its essence from the objectives of the national SDAT.