The new administrative district – Hamadiyah Road – Tissemsilt

Our Touristic Sites

With a great and promising tourist future … Tissemsilt has important investments opportunities and huge natural forces.
Tissemsilt geographical situation reinforce its cultural and historical wealth as well as tourism. Tourists are very influenced by its striking forests, the Wancharis jungles, pens, plants and animal’s diversity, gigantic mountains and natural baths…Furthermore, the revealing historical monuments.

Your trip to the magnificent Tissemsilt also gives you the chance to discover the artistic and folk heritage, different music style, handicraft industries and traditions.

The Wancharis trip certainly leads to climb its high mountains such as the highest peak of Boukaid * Sidi Amar * it is about 1983meters. In addition to its rice forests in
Antar and the tow millennium thousands years trees (Sultan and sultana) at the regional pen.

It is located in Meddad in Theniet el Had 50km far from Tissemsilt province. It extends over an area of 3425hk .It joins the Wancharis Mountains and Serssou Plateau .It is characterized by a the density of rice forests and snowfall in winters. Ras el Brarit is the highest pen’s peak mountain. It is about 1787m. It is classified as an international pen since 1923. It is composed of different sort of animals and plants thanks to its overflowing natural unique water resources.

It is located in the south east 60km far from the province. It is well known by its fish wealth and its gorgeous Greenland. Besides, hunting as a hobby for entertaining.

60km from the north east of the province Tissemsilt Sidi Slimane municipality is situated. Sidi Slimane bath waterfall that overflow from the Wancharis rocky mountains (rocky pools) surrounded by an immense forests .It is exploited since 1910. Its rich mineral water temperature is more than 42°, so it attracts many visitors from every where. It is famous by its water that can cure people from several diseases like chronicle rheumatisms and skin diseases. Sidi Slimane can be considered as a nature therapeutic tourist centre.

Natural and animal wealth

Perhaps the most amazing feature of Tissemsilt is the massive forests and its different sorts of trees (rice, pine, oak cork trees) and rare animals (wolf, fox, pig, and eagle…).

Historical monuments

Visiting Ain El Sfa region, Oum Laalou *Ezhayer*, Kebaba, Taza Emir Abdelkader citadel, Bab el Bachouche,… This trip leads you to the stone age period … Where man lived in Oum Laalou *Ezhayer* called Ain Sfa … Scholars evidence … stone age finds such as human being skull. Roman tokens, the rest of a garrison, Stone temples, coins, skeleton and carvings were found in that region 80km from the north west of Tissemsilt Taza, Emir Abdelkader tour where he settled his famous castle Taza garrison (1842-1838) in the sacred Bab el Bachouche. All these historical symbols show that Tissemsilt was inhabited since 17 centuries ago.